
Friday, September 25, 2015

Happy "How"loween Panel

We're officially in Fall and just a little more than a month away from Halloween! To celebrate we have this brand new panel in the store called "Happy Howloween!" These owls are adorable! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

New Fabric: Symphony Rose

Our final new fabric feature for the week is our delicate and soft looking Symphony Rose. These soft blues will class up any room! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Fabric: Snoopy Panel

Today's featured fabric is the Snoopy Panel. How adorable is this?!?!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New Fabric: Salsa Line

Today's featured fabric line is the new, bright, and fun Salsa Fabric! These fabrics go great together and are so easy to mix and match with other lines we carry in the store. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Fabric Panel: Safari Drive

Todays' featured fabric is a panel called Safari Drive. These animals are adorable and would make any child happy! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

New Fabric Line: Bonita

We have 5 new fabric lines in the store! Each weekday this week we'll be featuring one of the new fabrics here on the blog and on the Facebook page (and of course in the store).
Today's featured fabric line is "Bonita". 

These pinks and purples are gorgeous together and make such a beautiful combination for a bed spread, a baby girl quilt, a beautiful bag, or more! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September Terrific Tuesday Show and Tell

This past Tuesday we held our monthly Terrific Tuesday at the store. As always the Show and Tell portion was fantastic. You ladies are absolutely phenomenal! 

Nelda made this cute bag with scraps from binding a quilt from our new "Bonita" collection (coming soon to the blog!). 

Barbara Guber finished her Quilts of Valor quilt! 

Tricia Allred and her cute Cuddle Quilt.

Disappearing 9 patch quilt made as an example of what we will be making at the next Charity Quilt work days to be held at the store on September 17th and 18th. Nancy and Terri have prepared 16 pre-cut kits for this event!

Cute little quilt completed by Sandy at the Sit and Sew group on Wednesdays. 

Sandy Raines and her wonderful Quilts of Valor quilt all completed. 

Robin Brown with her great Jelly Roll quilt. 

Anyone is invited to come join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9am for our Terrific Tuesdays. Have a project you just finished and want to show off? Bring it in!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Envelope Tutorial

I'm going to deviate from the norm today and branch away from quilting. Today I have a tutorial for you on how to make easy decorative envelopes from scrapbook paper! 

We no longer carry scrapbook paper in the store, but we know many of you still keep paper on hand. I was in charge of making invitations to a church event and found myself at home with no envelopes, and no car to run get envelopes. So I had to get creative.

The invitations were quarter sheet sized (4.25" x 5.5"), so the envelope needed to be sized accordingly. I quickly found though that I didn't have any glue (apparently that got chucked out in the move!). However I did have one roll of washi tape. But, it worked out wonderfully and kept the supply list simple.

Here's what you'll need:

1 12"x12" sheet of scrapbook paper for every 2 invitations
1 pair scissors
1 roll washi tape (or decorative seals/stickers)

Following I have step by step instructions with pictures. If watching a video works better for you, there's one at the very bottom of the post.

Start by folding the scrapbook paper in half from corner to corner to give you a good crease to cut on. If you prefer, you could draw a line with a straight edge from corner to corner...whatever suits you tickles me plum to death (name that movie quote!).

Cut the paper on the crease to give you two large triangles.

Place your invitation in the center of the triangle, giving you at least an inch on the bottom and some room above each top corner (see below).

Fold the bottom edge of the paper up over the invitation (don't fold the invitation, just the scrapbook paper).

Next, to make it easier, I turned the paper to the side. From there fold up the right side of the scrapbook paper, aligning the edges of your previous crease.

Fold the little triangle tail in to keep it tidy.

Next, fold over the left side of the scrapbook paper, just as you did with the right side.

Again, tidy up the corner by folding over the point.

This is the trickiest part to explain, but it's not hard to do. Here you want to tuck the two side flaps into each other using the bottom crease/pocket you made in the first fold. Clear as mud? If not, watch the video and you can see what I mean. This step keeps the sides held together without having to glue them.

See...all tucked in, nice and snug.

Fold the top down to form your flap, and your envelope is done! At this point I used a piece of washi tape to hold down the back flap.

The bottom is open technically, but with the first fold you made (folding the bottom of the paper up over the invitation), and by how snug all the folds are around the invitation, the invite is not going to fall out unless seriously tampered with. If you want to mail this, you will probably want to seal the bottom by running a small bead of glue between the two layers. Since we were hand delivering these, we just stuck with the washi tape and called it good.

There you have it! If you're not sure exactly what I meant in any of the steps above, you can watch the video below and hopefully that will help clear things up.